
What Caused Motus GI (MOTS) Stock to Rise Nearly 40%?

The stock price of Motus Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: MOTS) rose 40.42% to $2.64 in current trading after a new patent was issued a few hours ago. MOTS stock closed the last session at $1.88.

MOTS has received which patent?

A new patent titled, “Cleaning Method for Prepless Colonoscopy,” has been issued to Motus GI (MOTS) by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Using the Pure-Vu System, Mutus GI can clear the colon in patients who have had little or no preparation before their colonoscopy.
  • Physicians may be able to achieve maximum visualization for all patients while avoiding standard prep regimens in an outpatient setting with these methods.
  • With MOTS’ new methods and existing clinical data on limited prep colonoscopy using the Pure-Vu System, the current burden of completing the prep process is being addressed, which is the number one reason people don’t get colonoscopies, which may prevent colorectal cancer from occurring.
  • To maximize the effectiveness of a colonoscopy, one of the key embodiments involves matching the diet prior to the procedure with suction and irrigation capabilities provided by Pure-Vu.
  • As part of this, large seeds or fibrous vegetables should not be consumed because they could produce particles resistant to active colon clearance by the Pure-Vu System.
  • During the typical 24 hours of clear liquid diet and purgative consumption, patients with comorbidities like diabetes are at risk for complications due to low blood sugar or electrolyte imbalances.

Approximately 4.7 million patients struggle to get a high-quality prep before undergoing outpatient procedures in the U.S. Every year, more than 18 million outpatient procedures are performed in the U.S. It can result in delayed, aborted, and repeated procedures, which affects both the patient and the healthcare system. In general, 10% to 20% of patients repeat their outpatient colonoscopies early, and many don’t follow up at the recommended time, making them more likely to develop interval cancer.

With the new patent, how will MOTS move forward?

In the new patent, methods are described for clearing fecal matter that consists of particles of varying sizes and compositions from the colon or other body lumen for diagnostic inspection. In addition to reducing and/or remediating the particle structure of colon contents, these methods can also be applied to patients who have undergone limited preparation prior to colonoscopy, or have not undergone any preparation at all.

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