
Is Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL) Still Worth A Bite?

This week, Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOGL) will split its shares, making it available to a broader variety of ordinary investors. Could this be the start of a new upward trend?

After the conclusion of trade on Friday, July 15, there will be a share split in the ratio of 20 to 1. In that instance, a share worth around $2300 will be divided into 20 shares at approximately $115. Obviously, such a price is far more feasible for many investors who could previously only acquire one share of Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL) and only through particular investing programs.

Furthermore, investors will be able to add GOOGL shares to their long-term portfolios, including retirement funds, with greater ease.

Previously, Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL) had only split once: in April 2014, although the ratio was different: every 1,000 GOOGL shares were divided into 1998 shares. The volume of shares grew, but the price remained virtually the same, indicating that the split enhanced the value of GOOGL shares.

Of course, the stock market was in a different state ten years ago. Alphabet’s stock is already trading 21% below its 52-week high, and some analysts predict a worldwide recession. At the same time, GOOGL shares were purchased at 52-week lows, indicating that there are investors who may be interested in the possibility to purchase shares of the Internet giant at a low price.

It should be noted that individual investors cannot always guarantee a consistent upward rise in share prices. However, Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL) is a prominent participant who may be appealing to institutional investors. Alphabet’s sales exceeded $670 billion in the first quarter, up 23 percent year on year.

GOOGL owns over 30% of the worldwide digital advertising industry and more than 90% of the Internet search services market.

Another glance at the stock price reveals that it is trading +11.91 percent higher than its three-month low. In a broader sense, the stock is trading -24.76% below its 52-week high and 11.91% above its 52-week low.

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