
NanoVibronix, Inc. (NAOV) Skyrockets onStrong Results from UroShield® Device


NanoVibronix has submitted its finding of UroShield to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Shares of NanoVibronix, Inc. (NAOV) is rallying today on the positive findings of its UroShield® device on patients with an evaluation time period of over two years.

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The stock skyrocketed over 200% today from the prior close of $0.70. NAOV shares kicked off the day at $1.79 and have surged as high as $2.34. The trading volume of NAOV almost 140 million compared to the average volume of 4.4 million.

As we write this at 12:50 A.M. EST, NAOV was trading at $1.55 soaring by 118.64%.

After two years of independent evaluation of NanoVibronix’s UroShield® device, the company received significant benefits from its device among the patients.

UroShield is a urology therapy device that consists of two major parts: Disposable Clip and Driver.The clip is a single use component and is discarded with catheter replacement. While, the Driver is a potable unit-based (AC powered) that provides power to the disposable clip.

The findings show notable improvements from the therapy of UroShield. The patients reported reductions in blockages, reduction in pain via bladder maintenance solutions, and catheter changes which led to fewer hospital appointments and emergency situations.

The company has forwarded these results in a formal submission to NICE to complete the process of review and obtain official guidance. This is a key step forward in providing NHS patients access to the treatment who are vulnerable to catheter-associated urinary tract infections.

“We believe that these findings should also reinforce our efforts in the U.S. and other target markets,” noted Brian Murphy, CEO of NanoVibronix.

Overall, the UroShield outcomes show physical and mental benefits for patients that are based on the real-world evaluation. This is a big positive for the company in obtaining the official guidancefrom NICE.

Above all the physical benefits, the patients improved their sleep, felt better, stronger energy, and were enthused to attract socially.

Based on theindependent statistical study conducted by KsenijaMaravic da Silva, assistant professor at Coventry University, reported high statistical outcomes for UroShield.

The patient feedback on the product improvements was addressed to the company and they have taken due notice regarding it. NanoVibronix has mentioned the identified improvements from the patients have been included in the present commercially available device.

After such thrilling results, NanoVibronix, Inc. (NAOV) seem to be more committed to the full commercialization of UroShield and its other oncology products.

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